Graphic Design Contest

Cool Springs EyeCare

by jstrock3932

Contest received 12 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by katrina

Congratulations to winner katrina ! They were awarded the contest prize of $150.00


katrina Creative
waiting for the logo and your feedback.
katrina Creative
please upload the logo in high resolution.
katrina Creative
Please attach the logos you will need on the poster and flyer.
jstrock3932 Contest Holder
I published this without including the additional info that would need to be on the flyer but not on the poster or jpeg images. Here is the info for the flyer. The larger emphasis should be on the following statement: Make Sure Your Child Has an Eye Exam! The flyer will also include the info I gave above for the poster. Your child’s eyes are constantly in use in the classroom and at play. Almost 80% of the learning your child does is through the eyes and when their vision is not functioning properly, education and sports can suffer. As your child progresses in school, they face more demands on their visual abilities. The size of print becomes smaller and the amount of time reading and studying increases. Make Sure Your Child Has an Eye Exam! We assess every child for the following visual skills: 1. Visual acuity — the ability to see clearly in the distance for viewing the smartboard, at an intermediate distance for the computer, and up close for reading a book 2. Eye focusing — the ability to quickly and accurately maintain clear vision as the distance from objects change, such as when looking from the smartboard to paper on the desk and back. 3. Eye tracking — the ability to keep the eyes on target when looking from one object to another, moving the eyes along a printed page, or following a moving object like a thrown ball. 4. Eye teaming — the ability to coordinate and use both eyes together when moving the eyes along a printed page, and to be able to judge distances and see depth. 5. Eye-hand coordination — the ability to use visual information to monitor and direct the hands when drawing a picture or hitting a ball. 6. Visual perception — the ability to organize images on a printed page into letters, words and ideas