Naming Contest for

Live video chat marketing service company 3x

by jbigley

Congrats to seemsgud for submitting the winning entry

  • $200.00PRIZE AWARDED

Name of Contest

Live video chat marketing service company 3x

Describe your company and organization and target audience

We provide a hosted software app that lets companies have live video chat engagements with customers on their website, in banner ads and through emails. We have two products; a)1-to-1 live customer service, b)one-to-many live group chats.

What do you need written

We need a company name with a corresponding .com domain, AND 2 product names. The product names do not need to have corresponding .com domains available - that would be a nice benefit.We would like there to be some synergy between the company name and product names. The names should say something about what the products do. By building synergy between the company name and it's products we're looking to make branding more effective and the co. more memorable. There are many live text chat products in the market- a la LivePerson, Instant Service, and Boldchat. Our next generation audio & video tools are 2x as effective as text alone. Our tools also allow marketers to now distribute their live service and sales agents through all their online marketing efforts. Now they can have a sales assistant instantly respond live through a banner ad or by clicking a link in an email. All the current live text chat tools are limited to: 1-to-1 interactions & they can only be executed on the company's website. Our platform allows marketers to also have live group video webcasts where the audience texts questions to the presenter or just conduct live group text chats. Again,these group engagements can be delivered in websites, banner ads or by email invitation.

The Hatchwise Bird


  • Fast - see designs in hours
  • Awesome - choose from dozens of custom designs made just for you
  • Affordable - We have packages priced for budgets of all sizes
Design Contest Examples