Naming Contest

Handyman Company Name

by dollarbill165

Contest received 49 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: locologo

Congratulations to winner locologo ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


dollarbill165 Contest Holder
Wow...great entries so far. The hard part is the conflicting message from offering a service to fix it for you and the tie-in to helping a customer to fix it themselves via the DIY websites. Let's change to 95% handyman service and 5% DIY message. Thanks, You guys are awesome!
BRHGraphix Creative
Mr. DoItAll (helping you check off your to do list)
dollarbill165 Contest Holder
I know I said I'm not tied to the word...but I'd still love to see some entries with "handyman"
dollarbill165 Contest Holder
All great entries so far, keep them coming though. Let me tell you where my heads goal is to build this company from a local, one city operation and spread it to a nationwide franchise in 5-10 years. I'm going to use the brand to build credibility in my How-to websites. The websites will offer DIY info for home owners who want to save money and do the repairs themselves. When I put my company name on the side of my vans...will people who see it know what I do? Focus 80% on service and 20% on the websites...Thanks!!!