Business Card & Stationery Design Contest

Rocking Around

by ajburrell0215

Company or website name

Rocking Around

Links to the website

no website

Describe your company and organization and target audience

Using found semi precious rock polished, cut and used in furniture and other pieces for retail sale.

The design should have the following

sorry I forgot to attach this info:

iosiconsdesign on Feb 18, 2023 10:25 AM

sorry about that... I kinda created the contest in a hurry:

(and fyi- I have to award the winner by the 20th)

Ivan Higgins

Rock Hound Carpenter

Scappoose, OR 97056


I'm including several pictures, of products. They aren't the best quality... so feel free to edit or use your own of the same type.

I want to use product images on one side and Information on the other side. Maybe include some rock textures in an elegant way on the information side. or pieces of them.

You do not have to use all the images (and do not use the image of the bus) in any part. If you like one part, just use that if it works with your design.
Just use a font YOU Choose to spell our Rocking Around.  They do not have a logo.

Also- you do not have to use pictures on both sides of the card, or it does not have to be flood with photo... sometimes its just the best photo used and a piece of it. Use your creativity while keeping in mind "Not too much" (meaning if 2-4 photos looks like it would be better with just one in the same space, do that)
And- we are probably doing some sort of spot gloss or varnish.

Briefly describe your contest

Business Card for a rock integrated furniture company