Business Card & Stationery Design Contest

Barbara Libowitz, CPA

by Barbara

Contest received 15 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by shizuo

Congratulations to winner shizuo ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


Barbara Contest Holder
I wish I can go back and change the statement, "I don't know what I want" but I know what I don't want, see my 1st post made right after submitting the contest. I would like a logo with the letter B only, (a very nice feminine B) the letters CPA somewhere perhaps at the foot of the B. I would like to keep the logo after I change my name; so what I've seen so far... doesnt hit it. Sorry to be difficult
Barbara Contest Holder
to arthuroritiz, rounded pretty B with CPA, the green color used on first 3 submissions is not pleasant, a hunter green, teal, feminine color. Ate lunch at Jimmy johns and noticed when i walked through the door, the logo hits you and all the info is nicely presented under the logo.
arthurortiz Creative
first off congratulations on your up coming marriage! :)and would you prefer a more rounded logo or more of a square? thats all i need and i will get started immidietly. email-
Barbara Contest Holder
Suggestion: If you use initials in the Logo, use my first name initial only, "B" I'll be changing my last name and business name when I get married. I am not a graphic designer by all means; but if I saw a fancy "B" with CPA included, I may like it. I may like alot of other ideas too, I know that a introverted accounting practice business is not alot to work with.