Brochure Design Contest

Collaborative Pamlet

by collaborative

Contest received 35 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Meraki_Graphi

Contest title

Collaborative Pamlet

Here is what I need created

This is a web site for Family Law practitioners who having taken the training for Collaborative Divorces. We would like a one page handout, I am picturing the normal size to sit in the lobby of law firms, which explains collaborative divorce, focuses on this being a more dignified ( need a petter word) way to handle the finances and child custody when a family has chosen to divorce. It relies on the collaboration of a skilled team to work toward the goals of the clients, I would like to see it contain the QR code to point the individuals to the web site and have inviting graphics which would help them understand that this is a process that is confidential, and allows them a voice, it eliminates the courtroom battles and allows the resouces ( attorneys and professionals) to focus on making things better. Also go to TExas Collaborative Divorce for more informaiton and IACP International academy of collaborative practitioners.

Briefly describe your contest

I need an informative pamphlet that points out the advantages to a collaborative divorce and points them to our web site