Brandstorming Contest

Product name for industrial machine

by dabmktg

Contest received 97 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

congratulations to contest winner: plasticity

Congratulations to winner plasticity ! They were awarded the contest prize of $300.00

Brandstorming entry 182237 submitted by Makaveli Designs
Brand Suggestion: envirodrain
Domain Name: envirodrain


arkvisdesigns Creative
how does it work?
dabmktg Contest Holder
The dryer is a large, continuous oven which has conveyors that transport the moist product through it. Air is drawn into the dryer, heated and blown through and around the product to remove moisture. The method of drying is basically the same as has been used for years -- the new design has just been optimized for sanitation and ease of cleaning. Does this help? Let me know if you have additional questions.
plasticity Creative
any pics of it? just to get the idea how it looks. you must see the baby before you name it :D
dabmktg Contest Holder
I can share a pic -- just need to figure out how to post it. I'm checking on it and will put it up as soon as I'm able.
dabmktg Contest Holder
Attached is a link that will take you to a photograph of the dryer. Hope this is helpful. Let me know if anyone has trouble accessing it and we'll try something else. Thanks.
dabmktg Contest Holder
Sorry all for delays in feedback over the past couple of days. I'm back in town now and will respond more promptly. Thanks to all for your continued excellent efforts.
dont-flinch Creative
well I've never done one of these before but I wonder how come the entries are still all hidden if "session is over"?
plasticity Creative
its because the winner is not selected. and after the winner is selected the name ideas should rename secret. exept a winning. but the winning entry should be availeable only when ch has registered the name and the suggested domian.
plasticity Creative
and contest has just ended. ch has some time to choose the winner. For me this ch seems to be one who actually commented and rated the designs. now he just need to think whos the winner. so just wait.
dabmktg Contest Holder
Dear All, I want to thank everyone for their efforts and input during this contest. The variety and uniqueness of the ideas submitted really helped our thought process for choosing the model name for this dryer. In the end, it came down to 4-5 choices, and I eliminated ones that had "dry" as part of the name. I was concerned that using it in a sentence (i.e. "introducing the new SaniDry dryer") would be a redundant use of the word. Again, thanks to all for thier input. I'll definitely be back again for future brainstorming sessions. Best Wishes, Doug