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Should I Start A New Instagram Account For My Business?

When you first start with your business social media accounts, it can be overwhelming and one of the biggest questions that nearly all beginners have is whether they should start a new Instagram account for their business or use their personal. Or keep both. On top of this, it isn’t as simple as it used to be on Instagram. 

No longer is it as simple as choosing from a Business Profile or a Personal Profile. Now you have the option to choose from multiple, including a Creator Profile. So, which do you choose? How do you decide which you fit and need? Or do you need all three? No worries, because we’ve got you covered. 

Multiple Businesses 

The first part that we’ll cover is if you own multiple businesses. If you have two or more businesses, you want different accounts for them regardless of how tied together they are. The best way to decide if you need more than one account for your businesses is to ask yourself if you’re targeting different audiences. 

If the answer is yes, then you definitely need multiple accounts for your businesses. You can’t attempt to target multiple audiences with one account for more than one company. You want to be able to target your followers for each company appropriately and curate content based purely on that audience without confusing them. 

You May Lose Followers 

A huge mistake that people make, when deciding to have both a personal and business profile, is to invite their followers to follow both accounts. Often they’ll advertise their personal account and tell followers to go follow them on there to see more of their personal content. 

However, this can be dangerous for your business profile. You need to think from your follower’s perspective; why would they continue to follow a business account for a company if they’re already following your personal profile and seeing interesting content on it? This is where you’ll end up losing followers on your business profile.


If you’re a small business and decide to combine both your business and personal profile into one account, you may be making the smartest decision you can. In our day and age, social media is covered with ideal images photoshopped to perfection and giving people a false idea of realism. 

Even Instagram Stories have been taken over by filters showing us something that is far from the truth. Many business accounts have adapted this into their marketing and used it in a way to present a visually appealing representation of their company culture, their products, and their brand overall. 

Why does this matter? When you’re combining both your personal profile and business profile, you’ll be showing people a different side to your company. You’ll be more apt to show the real side of your company.  You’ll be more real with your followers and they’ll get to experience the real side of your company. 

People Will Want To Follow You 

People love to see other’s life. They like seeing their personal life, their blog updates, their life updates, hobby posts, and goodness knows what else. It’s why influencers manage to do so well on Instagram; because they’re sharing their life with others. When you’re posting purely business content, it can tend to get a bit boring. 

But when combining both personal and business profiles, you get to show your followers a bit of your life and the insides of the business. People will want to follow someone who gives them interesting content and a reason to recommend them to their friends. 

Every Business Is Different 

The most important thing to remember, especially when it comes to social media, is that every company is different. Every brand is going to need a different marketing plan applied and you may find out that what works for one company won’t work for you. You may not be ready to combine both your accounts yet and that’s okay. 

You’ll find what works for your company and what your own formula is to succeed. You can always start by combining the two profiles and if you decide that it doesn’t work for you, you can choose a different path. Just know that every decision you make for your company is based on what you think will work best for you, not others. 

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