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Logo Design Entry # 3153205
by Jagad Langitan- BACK TO CONTEST
- ENTRY # 3153205

All purchased designs come with:
Full ownership rights to the completed design
Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the design to match your company
Editable source files in Adobe illustrator format
Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF, .SVG)
Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection
Comments for entry # 3153205
Thank you. We love it so much. We prefer the text in this format, thanks. Could we just ask you to try a few different things for us. Could you try the papyrus smooth font on this particular design with the Tohi at the top and the Harmonics at the bottom in bold. Could you also increase the shading in the centre toroid so that it has a more solid form,not completely solid, just more than it currently is.
Could you also please change the chakra dots to diamond so we can see how that looks.
We would also love to see a version with a figure in the centre of the entire image.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! We really appreciate all you have done for us and are really grateful.

please check
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