Logo Design Contest

Tohi Harmonics

by teamindiansummer

Contest received 425 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Jagad Langitan

Congratulations to winner Jagad Langitan ! They were awarded the contest prize of $230.00


teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Can we see some designs incorporate sacred geometry and see how that looks?
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Can we also see designs with any colour(s) and any font. Thanks
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Try adding the chakras into the design, thanks.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We like a lot of the submissions. We especially love 3105539 as our top. Maybe try creating something similar where the words and the rest are all part of the logo. If that makes sense.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We would like a logo that has symbolism. That has meaning of like healing, positivity, raising consciousness, balancing the soul, perfection of space, perfect creation, perfection of 3 levels of consciousness just to name a few. If you don't know any of this that's ok too. We'll try to upload files to show.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Maybe you can implement tuning forks into the design for sound and frequency healing. Thanks
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Maybe try the Smooth Papyrus font
teamindiansummer Contest Holder

some other fonts to try:


Smooth Papyrus




ITC Skylark

ITC Cancione


ITC Tempus Sans

or try some of these rune type fonts https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/457678380857144584/

teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Some new images have been added to design brief for ideas and inspiration of shapes for use in designs.  Look forward to seeing what you all create.  Thank you!
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We would like to see some star merkaba, kabbalah tree of life, bur more spacey, quantum tech, light, air, aether, already too many chakra rainbows, it's been overdone. Thank for all the submissions so far.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Can you try and play with the fonts mentioned above and see how they look? Thanks 
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We've updated our design brief so check it out please. Thank you
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
I added anything design idea as well we got from a psychic reading.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
It’s towards the bottom of the design brief.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We have changed our design brief. Many apologies, as we are still working out what type of design would be the best fit for our business.  Thank you for persevering with us, we appreciate all your efforts and great work.  Thank you!
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
We added a picture to our contest
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
New images have been added to the design brief.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
Try these golds: #daa520, #b8860b, #cba135, #d4af37, #c5b358, #a28557
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
I think we want a circular design but are open to anything. Thanks for all the submissions.
teamindiansummer Contest Holder
THANK YOU EVERYONE for creating so many wonderful designs for us. We appreciate all the work you have done and love so many of the designs.  We will deliberate soon to pick the winner.  Thank you again, many blessings to you all.