Logo Design Contest

SOHO Solutionist

by brandiek

Contest received 275 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by braesondesigns

Congratulations to winner braesondesigns ! They were awarded the contest prize of $125.00


brandiek Contest Holder
A few designs I like: Like the simplicity: http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=421&entryid=25090 Overall like this one: http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=648&entryid=44456 Like the shape: http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=791&entryid=54960 Like that it has two colors, would prefer it in more postage stamp shape: http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=798&entryid=54298 Like the calming feeling: http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=1405&entryid=109101 That's all for now!
brandiek Contest Holder
Wow! I like a lot of these concepts. Not sure I like the tagline in the logo, come to think of it. Maybe try with and without?
brandiek Contest Holder
Sorry about all the duplicate comments... sheesh. Not sure what happened!
brandiek Contest Holder
Hi all, I'm not super attached to the blue color. The red Hex color is just a suggestion - just no orange-y reds. I'm open!
brandiek Contest Holder
I like a lot of these ideas. One other thing I was thinking might help is that my service bridges the gap between two groups of professionals. Not that I need a bridge in the logo, but that "making a connection" concept for the client. I educating and empowering them with information that will help them get past frustration with (mostly) online business technology. Thats the reason for the "@" in the tagline. Hope that helps!
brandiek Contest Holder
I realized I didn't mention hat SOHO is an acronym for "Small Office, Home Office", which (as many of you know) is where most small business is located.
braesondesigns Creative
I, honestly, thought it was SoHo, NY. That actually helps with the direction for my next entry, a bit.
brandiek Contest Holder
Glad I mentioned it! Sorry about that all. Look forward to your next one - the color blocks were gorgeous!
WhisperingSage Creative
It would greatly help if you rated the entries and made your comments there. That way we know what direction you are looking for.
brandiek Contest Holder
@WhisperingSage: Thanks for stopping by. I've been making comments, just on the individual designs that I have liked along the way. Thanks for reminding me to post here as well. :)
brandiek Contest Holder
Thanks to all who submitted these designs. It's a difficult choice, and I will choose a winner shortly.