Logo Design Contest

Detour Brewing Company

by detourbrewing

Contest received 218 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Sarcastiec

Congratulations to winner Sarcastiec ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


detourbrewing Contest Holder
Thanks everyone so much for taking the time to submit logos for our new venture. We have a wealth of great options to choose from and we will be making a decision in the next few days. Cheers!
detourbrewing Contest Holder
Keep 'em coming, everyone. We were hesitant at first, but think this process is really working for us.
detourbrewing Contest Holder
Thank you all so much for your entries thus far! Keep them coming. We see a lot of interesting ideas. However, we would like to see more logos specifically tying to our vision which is that a 'detour' is an 'alternate path'. We're looking to highlight the pleasant surprises that one can uncover when one takes the road less traveled. We were limited in our number of characters in our description, but we want our logo to suggest adventure, journey-taking, discovery...