BlueSheep Adventures
by wright.elliott@gmail.comContest received 83 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
BlueSheep Adventures
Slogan or Tagline
NO, and the logo does not necessarily need full company name. The logo CAN be pictogram, letter, or a combination of both.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
In considering the logo colors, themes, and message, please examine the attached photos. The photos attempt to reveal the various elements of the journey: food, culture, mountains, deserts, ancient ruins, etc. Using these photos as a starting point
The design should have the following
The design should be very simple, contemporary, yet reflect an Asian theme. We seek a crisp image that is bold and unforgettable.
This design should not have this in the entries
Our strategy is to provide a variety of programs and trips that meet the expectations and needs of various generational demographics pursuing adventure travel. There are three target demographics we have identified: 1. Affluent leisure travelers
Colors to use in the design
Yes, please see the following link:
Briefly describe your contest
Asian adventure travel comp. needs logo