Web Design Contest


by loewen13

Contest received 36 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by penta

Congratulations to winner penta ! They were awarded the contest prize of $400.00


janedoe Creative
Hello, can you please make this prepaid and I'll submit my design concepts? Thank you kindly, janedoe
genialo Creative
I would like to participate, you could make this a prepaid contest? Thank you
jnjnnino Creative
i would love to make an entry for this contest too, but a few more questions: + are you sticking up with bigcommerce to power your site? or r u consider others like magento, shopify, corecommerce etc? + do you have high res photos that we can use? + can you please provide downloadable logo file? + and lastly is this for homepage design(psd) only? thanks for reading and best regards, jnjnnino
layoutph Creative
Please upload your company logo sir
janedoe Creative
Hi, thanks for making this prepaid! Yes please upload any images/pics you have and I'll incorporate them into the design. Thanks janedoe