T-Shirt Design Contest

Rare Genetics Inc.

by Zx7trev

Contest received 84 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Armchtrm

Company or website name

Rare Genetics Inc.

Links to the website


Describe your company and organization and target audience

We design and run genetic tests for the reptile pet industry specializing in mutations.  Our target audience are pet owners as well as high end breeders.

The design should have the following

****Changeding Design IDEA Mid Request.  The Quad and Hets thing just doesn't go well together so lets try something else:*****  I would like to do a sharp looking Helix with a line coming off of it for each of the listed mutations below....it can be straight, curved, lets see what you guys come up with.  basically I want to list all of the mutations we currently test for and showing where they appear (artistically) on the Helix.  Mutations are:

YB Complex, Albino, Candy/Toffey, Sunset , Hypo, Clown, Pied, Black Pastel, Enchi, G-Stripe, Ultramel, Lavender Albino, and Desert Ghost (there HAS to be two DG's...because it's actually two genes not one).

Briefly describe your contest

Reptile Genetic Testing T-Shirt Design "Flex Your Quad....Hets"