Logo Design Contest


by faron!

Contest received 236 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by glassfairy

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

primarily script (Scriptina) with subtle use of graphic

The design should have the following

to use and slightly stylize my existing Scriptina font logo and/or borrow style from one of my fave sights www.aperturaphoto.com

This design should not have this in the entries

mothers of high school seniors -

Colors to use in the design

www.aperturaphoto.com www.gavin-photography-logo (google images) silfver creations photography (google images) michael graste photography (google images) nicole lubin photography (google imgs) voodoo photography (google imgs)

Briefly describe your contest

update my text type logo