by weinmarketingContest received 73 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Slogan or Tagline
No information provided.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We provide know how for the wine industry. We help to market wine from the producer to the consumer. We help finding distribution channels for the product and help the wineries with all communication topics. We care about their overall communication (online and offline, we develop their homepage, newsletter, facebook and make plans when to communicate with the different stakeholders (customers, press, tradepartners etc.) In addition to that we coach the wineries and the staff how to structure their pricing, how to communicate with trade partners. Selling trainings and workshops and provide know how in key account management.
The design should have the following
We need a logo design for a companay based in Austria, called Wein Marketing International We provide know how for the wine industry. We help to market wine from the producer to the consumer. We help finding distribution channels for the product and help the wineries with all communication topics. We care about their overall communication (online and offline, we develop their homepage, newsletter, facebook and make plans when to communicate with the different stakeholders (customers, press, tradepartners etc.) In addition to that we coach the wineries and the staff how to structure their pricing, how to communicate with trade partners. Selling trainings and workshops and provide know how in key account management.
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
This design should not have this in the entries
No information provided.
Colors to use in the design
red, grey, yellow. purple
Briefly describe your contest
Wine marketing and coaching company logo