Logo Design Contest


by thumbs up

Contest received 85 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by grimpels

Congratulations to winner grimpels ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


john12343 Creative
Hello Contest Holder, Respectfully I'd like to ask: If you just wanted a copy of the clipart that you already referred to in your brief, why didn't you just use the clipart you already had? I ask because I see that you've given a score of 5 to grimpels. If you take his image and overlay it onto the clipart you started with, you will see that it is simply a tracing of your original art. Of course, you must already realize that even if you get an artist to trace that clipart and you pay that artist for the trace job, it is still plagiarism and a violation of the original artist's copyright. Don't you? Even the very similar ones from Royal Seal Design, raymer, Makaveli and anticonnex are close enough to the original that any half-decent copyright lawyer could and would nail you for it. Or is the original artwork your own creation and you just wanted someone else to duplicate it? Just thought I'd better ask. It's your contest, but I'd hate to see you get a design you would regret later. Best regards, Matthew
grimpels Creative
I did what i was asked to do. I never pretended that my drawing(that we speak of) was original. But i'm sure that if i search the web a little i will find something very similar to your "original work".
john12343 Creative
OK, grimpels, I wasn't being nasty so there is no need for you to be. I recommend instead that you re-read the site's Rules and Guidelines for Designers - point #1 of which is to post ONLY original work. You might also want to re-read the site's text that appears onscreen every single time you submit a contest entry. For your info, for my entry: - I took a photograph of my own hand and imported it into Illustrator, - I then drew the rounded shapes freehand with the pencil tool in illustrator, roughly matching the photo of my own hand, - I then applied Simplify Path, - I then adjusted individual anchor points until I was pleased with the composition. All of that was done without looking at any other person's entry for the contest, or searching the web for similar logos. It was only when I looked at other entries, the next day, that I noticed all the copies. Certainly there are many thumbs-up graphics that are far more original and aesthetic than mine. And maybe my design IS similar to something that somebody else came up with somewhere else on the planet. But it wasn't copied. Copying, in the world of design and artwork, is called plagiarism. And it is not legal. IF the contest holder owns the copyright for the image she asked you to match, then maybe it was legal for him/her to ask you to trace it. I am sure that, if that is the case, the contest holder will let us know. Best regards, Matthew
thumbs up Contest Holder
Hey Guys, Thank you for your entries. I have purchased rights to the image I submitted as an example. I wanted someone to come up with something similar to it. Something super simple, clean, modern, happy, fun. All the best, Brandi