Get Burked
by MrsBurkedContest received 74 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Get Burked
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Political opponent research company. Burked means to suffocate without leaving evidence. Total coincidence that it's my name, but it's essentially what I do to political candidates that are scammers, liars, and fakes. Target audience is political candidates and incumbents ages usually range from 30-70. We also publish the dirt we dig on these candidates. Think political tmz so readers will range from mid 20s - early 60s. Tagline still in development
The design should have the following
totally open prefer creative logos
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
Colors to use in the design
red and dark blue are typical but I'm open to anything. Its a political business so safe colors are cc0202 and 020f5e
Briefly describe your contest
GetBurked Political Spy Logo We do unconventional research on political candidates and publish what we find