Congrats to jojo_2015 for submitting the winning entry
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
by emmanuelhp- 25CREATIVES
Company or website name
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Slogan or Tagline
Come and See!
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We need a logo design for a Lutheran church in High Point, NC called "Emmanuel Lutheran Church". It is important that our logo represents that we are a welcoming and diverse community and that God is with us (that's what Emmanuel literally means). The uploaded files were designed by our youth group with these thoughts in mind: The figures are different colors to represent our diversity and that all are welcome. The cross in the center represents that God is with us. The light radiating from the cross represents our tagline, "Come and See!" which is an important phrase in our congregation. It is important that our logo is a faithful interpretation of our youth group's original idea.