Logo Design Contest

Buckingham Pewter

by buckinghampewter

Contest received 787 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by koeciet

Congratulations to winner koeciet ! They were awarded the contest prize of $210.00


buckinghampewter Contest Holder
Hi everyone, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you who have submitted your design responses so far and to those who do submit in the future. We are new owners to this business and are not in ourselves entirely sure of the image we are looking for which is why we have chosen an avenue that will return multiple results. As you can imagine it is difficult to write a brief when you are not sure of what it is you are looking for yourself so I can fully imagine from a designers point of view how difficult it must be to interpret an image with scant instructions. We have been absolutely astounded with the results we have gained to this point and wish to commend you all on your creative ideas/talents. If you have any questions or seek clarification to anything please feel free to send us a message. Thanks again, keep up the good work and we wish all of you good luck.
buckinghampewter Contest Holder
P.S. please be aware, due to the calibre of all your entries our system of awarding stars is not based on a level of like or dislike but rather an effort to help better visually describe to yourselves the ideas we feel are a good fit for our venture. Cheers
buckinghampewter Contest Holder
Hi everyone, we are astounded at the number and calibre of entries we have received in this competition and would like to thank you all so much for wanting to produce your designs for us. As it is coming to the end we will be beginning to finalise our choices so would like to remind you that there can be only one winner and that it will be a surmountable effort for us to narrow it down to a single choice. To all who are unsuccessful this time we wish you all the best in the future.