Logo Design Contest

B3 Collective

by Cmackeight

Contest received 347 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Ilham Fajri

Congratulations to winner Ilham Fajri ! They were awarded the contest prize of $150.00


Cmackeight Contest Holder
The tag line us more od a descriptive of what the facility is. As an example we put "+" sign as the facility is both Commercial Commissary & Coffee Roasting Cooperative. We are open to designs other than the "+" sign but trying to stay away from using "&"
Cmackeight Contest Holder
Hello designers. All the designs coming seem to be all going in the same direction "text Based". We are open to other style of logo other than the "Icon & Text" and "Test Based" designs included in the original brief. Please feel free to go in other directions.