Logo Design Contest

Tools For Learning

by toolsforlearning

Contest received 92 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by ginalin

Company or website name

Tools For Learning

Slogan or Tagline

Keeping minds sharp ????

Describe your company and organization and target audience

At first we were thinking of spelling Tools For Learning out in colored pencils with the tag line keeping minds sharp. But we are finding it hard to keep it fresh and clean on a website. We are definetly excited to see fresh, new ideas.

The design should have the following

layour is at the designers discretion

This design should not have this in the entries

Mostly teachers and parents. We do see churches, senior citizen centers, and medical offices. Most of the teachers are elementary level. Though we do see some thru high school leve.

Colors to use in the design


Briefly describe your contest

educational supply store