Logo Design Contest

Talent Resources

by TR

Contest received 155 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by jemart

Congratulations to winner jemart ! They were awarded the contest prize of $300.00


TR Contest Holder
Hi! Thanks very much for your submissions. Here are a few comments: *We are leaning towards the more clever renderings of TR or TR/Talent Resources in our logo, and are less interested in logos that are sporty looking *Please bear in mind that this logo will go on business cards, letter-head, decks, and in some cases we may need to extract the "TR" element from the full logo (for instance, on a TR jump drive or TR microphone). Thank you!!
jemart Creative
Thank for the comments. The feedback is very important, specifically your comments regarding usage. In cases like screening or engraving onto giveaway items such as a jump-drives etc. the mark should have a limited color (PMS Inks..not 4-color process or RGB) palette with minimal (if any) use of gradients. These considerations will allow for a much more versatile mark. One other quick note: in the creative brief your stated the final art will need to be in BITMAP format. You should really be requesting VECTOR (it can always be turned into a BITMAP later). Just wanna make sure your end up with you need! Thanks again!
TR Contest Holder
Thanks for this! Since we don't work in the graphics world, if you recommend it I will change the format to VECTOR.
TR Contest Holder
General comment: the "cleaner designs" (as in ones that don't incorporate very specific shapes or images are working better for our purposes). Which isn't to say that a well placed image won't work, just that generally we are looking for something sophisticated in a relatively playful color palette, or presented cleverly
mygreenday69 Creative
@TR - I think for your business you should have a logo that is very eye catching and appeals especially to PR and advertising agencies. You don't want your logo too plain. It should show that you are a business that operates in the 21st century and not the 1900s. It's just a thought.
KenosisDre Creative
I understand your line of thinking mygreenday69, but most of this CH's competition and clients have a strong corporate edge. In their world clean equals sophistication and success. They need a brand that will connect and translate across the entire spectrum not just to us artsy types.
gozzi Creative