Logo Design Contest

TAILored Pet Services LLC

by TAILored_Pet_Services

Contest received 65 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by room168

Company or website name

TAILored Pet Services LLC

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

I's like a "tail" included in the design somewhere since that is part of my company name. How/where to include it is up to the designers discretion.

The design should have the following

I want an icon and name but whether the name is included inside the icon or sits next to it is up to the designers discretion. I'm also open to the idea of having unique text for the business name.

This design should not have this in the entries

TAILored Pet Services markets to a middle-to-high income group. Pet owners purchase services when they can't be home to care for their pets(during work day, vacation or business trip).

Colors to use in the design


Briefly describe your contest

Logo Contest for TAILored Pet Services