Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the
design to match your
Editable source files in Adobe illustrator
Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF,
Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection
Comments for entry #
Apr 26, 2009 04:04 AM
A nice, creative design. I'm not a big fan of the tear drop sun rays. I've seen this on a few designs and I think I'd prefer the logo without them. I do like the creative s and e. Any chance the name could be moved a bit to the right so it sits next to the bottom of the "s" and under the "e"? This would extend it to the side, but I think it would suit me. Also, as legally I need the entire company name can you incorporate the Energy, LLC at the end. Good job.
Apr 25, 2009 08:04 PM
As you can see I've made a slightly abstract "S" and "e" here, with the S representing solar and the e representing ecology/environment/earth. The overall shape of the design resembles a heart shape, symbolizing care and stewardship for the environment.
As you requested in your design brief, the graphic is separate from and above the text. The unique and organic shape of this logo design should help you to brand your company as being a socially responsible corporation that stands out from the competition.
I've submitted color, grayscale and black and white versions of this design so that you can see
a) how it will look full color when it is featured on your website, full-color posters and brochures, etc. and
b) how it will look when printed one color on invoices, inventories, etc.
Since it is vector artwork, you could expand it up to the size of a skyscraper or shrink it down to the size of a postage stamp without losing detail.
I hope this design suits your needs. Let me know if you would like to see something tweaked or changed on it.
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About the Creative
john12343 Bio
I am an Illustrator and Designer living in Los Angeles. I work for a nonprofit org full time.
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