Logo Design Contest

Mountain State Bait Farm

by MasterJere

Contest received 98 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by greycrow

Congratulations to winner greycrow ! They were awarded the contest prize of $120.00


IMFantasia Creative
@ designer Hillerichj123--check your name. It seems to be transposed.
MasterJere Contest Holder
We like the fish being used in #438301 but so far the entries have been very "cheezy" in my opinion, were looking for stuff a bit more simple but VERY professional. Also #439185 is not bad. #438786 is ok, but nothing is really "jumping" out at us yet... I would like to see the logo's be quite a bit more professional. And don't use a mountain in the logo's, just the fish or a fish head is fine (that will capture the fishing concept perfectly), were not trying to market a Mountain. Thanks designers!
MasterJere Contest Holder
Why not a fish along the lines of something "close" to this one http://media14.onsugar.com/files/2011/07/26/0/1798/17983473/image_32.jpg - and then a very unique Text. Don't use so many colors, were going for professional not a "rainbow" full of colors.
Hillerichj123 Creative
When the client says to use a fish close to the one he represented in his comments and leaves a link, then says its cheezy, theres something wrong with the client.
CH, I don't really understand what you're saying? You want a professional logo that DOESN'T look "cheezy", but you want us to draw a fish like entry #438301 and the ones in the link you gave us? No disrespect, but it doesn't get more "cheezy" than that.
IMFantasia Creative
To CH: Your comments above are contradicting your comments to entry# 439337: "Posted By: MasterJere Posted On: 2011-10-29 08:50:08 CONTEST HOLDER-VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!! Love this layout so far!!! Fantastic! Please show me some others close to this. Great concept!!!" So, what is it? You must like the mountains, the hook AND the circle in the background. Why is it you like some elements in some designs, but not those same elements in other designs. Please make up your mind.
IMFantasia Creative
P.S. to CH: We are NOT allowed to use clip art, unless it's something YOU provide. A link you give us is not something YOU provide. It must be something YOU own. So, if you want a "cartooney" looking fish, just say so. But, we as Hatchwise designers, are not allowed to use clipart. And, it would be helpful if you stated WHAT colors that you like rather than, "Please try different colors", then when we do, you say it doesn't look "professional". Please try to be more specific in your comments. It really helps us in our design decisions.
MasterJere Contest Holder
#439494 is our favorite so far.
MasterJere Contest Holder
Keep in mind People need to see this and think "Fish, only Fish, but PROFESSIONALISM, we are one of the biggest wholesaler's of fish products in the whole East coast area., we need the logo to act that way.