Logo Design Contest


by prliebman14

Contest received 142 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by logohub

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline

Moments of Overwhelming Joy

Describe your company and organization and target audience

This is an operating concept of ALPS Leadership - it represents the aspiration of those choosing to become fully competent in their own performance and the performance of the organizations they may lead. The belief lies in the fact that people are only truly happy in their moments of meaningful accomplishment - and that competence does not exist in the absence of meaningful accomplishment. MOJO speaks to a magical-like power. Overlaying the word joy connotes the magical joy of meaningful accomplishment.
We speak to corporate leaders - a mostly sophisticated business audience. These are thinkers, intellectuals, well-educated and successful people.

The design should have the following

The Logo should incorporate the word MOJO - and incorporate the letter "Y" - so that it reads MOJO (NOT: MO-JOY) - but that the "y" is discernible /recognizable. One thought is to incorporate a small letter y within the second letter "O" in some creative way. Remember the achronym is Moments of Overwhelming JO(y).

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)

This design should not have this in the entries

The Logo should incorporate the word MOJO - and incorporate the letter "Y" - so that it reads MOJO (NOT: MO-JOY) - but that the "y" is discernible /recognizable. One thought is to incorporate a small letter y within the second letter "O" in some creative way. Remember the acronym is Moments of Overwhelming JO(y).

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

The company logo for ALPS Leadership - can be viewed at www.alpsleadership.com

It is Grey and Blue. This logo can be (maybe should be) more colorful - but must also effectively reduce to a two color application

Briefly describe your contest

Get your MOJO(y) on!!! Show me some magic here!