winning Logo Design entry by  sella
Logo Design Contest


by FrankC

Contest received 552 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by sella

Company or website name


Describe your company and organization and target audience

My Company is developing a mobile app for online food ordering similar to others like Grubhub, Doordash, Ubereats, etc...

The design should have the following

My idea for the logo is that it's futuristic, sleek and simple. I'd like it to convey high quality and motion.

This logo will be used for

  • Online (Website, facebook etc.)
  • Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
  • Television/screen

This design should not have this in the entries

Please avoid dark shades of colors and using several different colors. Keep it to one or two colors.

What style of logo would you like?

Colors to use in the design

My favorite color is Cyan and would love to see it within the design.
Other colors that I like are bright shades of Reds, blues, and greens.
I'd like the color and design to compliment each other. Please don't force a color I like if it doesn't compliment the design itself.
Keep the design to one or two colors at most.

Briefly describe your contest

This contest is to create a Logo for my new company that plans to operate on both a national and global scale.