Logo Design Contest

Coast 2 Coast Captioning

by c2cc

Contest received 116 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by traceygl

Congratulations to winner traceygl ! They were awarded the contest prize of $200.00


traceygl Creative
vector is best it can be scaled from postage stamp to billboard size with no quality loss
c2cc Contest Holder
Thank you for that info! :)
c2cc Contest Holder
since we are targeting sports stadiums, something sports related would be cool too. it's hard to pinpoint what b/c we target football, baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer stadiums so we can't have, say, just a football in the logo; it has to be something that reads "sports" in general...if possible.
c2cc Contest Holder
Wow, this is going to be tough!
c2cc Contest Holder
I want to thank everyone for their great submissions. This was a very difficult decision, but we have chosen a winner! Thanks again:) Jennifer & Debra