Congrats to Hasibul_083 for submitting the winning entry
Ausable Funds
by eluzine- 150CREATIVES
Company or website name
Ausable Funds
Describe your company and organization and target audience
Ausable Funds is a new, start-up mutual fund firm officially names Ausable Funds International, Inc. The will launch a new mutual fund focused on the global emerging markets - Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia - from Turkey to Taiwan, China, etc. The firm's investments and research are global, but the company is based in the Adirondack Mountains of New York (Lake Placid) and Miami, Florida. The company is founded, owned and managed by a retired Army officer, a serviced disabled wounded warrior veteran. There will be numerous Wounded Warriors on the staff. The target audience are individual and institutional investors. The former consist of military personnel, wounded warriors, veterans, law enforcement, patriotic Americans, parents, grandparents and adults focused on retirement savings, education accounts, and other savings. Institutional investors include state pension funds (NY, FL, CA, CO, TX, ND, etc.), university endowments, trusts, investment banks, insurance firms, etc.