Logo Design Contest

Affiniti Golf Partners

by affiniti

Contest received 209 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by kowaD

Company or website name

Affiniti Golf Partners

Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

Two to three colors. Simpler is better. This logo must be simple enough to be embroidered on apparel as well as be used in print.

The design should have the following

Logo must be simple and traditional. A classic graphic icon along with name The Georgia Club. Georgia red in the logo would be good, but not necessary. See www.alpharettaac.com for example of great icon and name next to it.

This design should not have this in the entries

Audience is golfers and potential real estate buyers. This is a higher end golf community in need of a new logo.

Colors to use in the design

www.alpharettaac.com for example of great icon.

Briefly describe your contest

The Georgia Club Logo Design