Sports Event Management Tool
by chendersCongrats to iffikhan for submitting the winning entry
Name of Contest
Sports Event Management Tool
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We offer an online tool for managing sports events (leagues and tournaments). We are trying to come up with a good, available domain name.
What do you need written
We need help coming up with a good domain name. Ideally this domain name would also become the name of the product. The domain must be available and have a .com extension. We offer an online tool for managing sports programs. For example someone operating a flag football tournament would use our tool to create schedules, post scores, communicate with coaches, etc. The key selling characteristics of the product are its ease-of-use, how it will make the users job easier, and the power of its functionality. You can see similar products at We feel SportsPilot and QuickScores did a good job with naming. LeagueUSA did not.