Graphic Design Contest

Presentation Cover Page Design

by rjpfoley

Contest received 33 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by airish.designs

Congratulations to winner airish.designs ! They were awarded the contest prize of $125.00


rjpfoley Contest Holder
CLARIFICATIONS: Text fields MUST be on a separate layer from the background image, as they will be frequently edited. Rather than white out the current image, please either find the original or else create something entirely new. Since this is a proposal cover page, it must be sized accordingly, as an 8 1/2" x 11 " page.
rjpfoley Contest Holder
Make sure that ALL TEXT can be edited.
rjpfoley Contest Holder
Welcome new design ideas. Several attempts to work with this one coming out okay, but I think best would be to either find this background and redo it or find something similar and start anew. I don't know why these comments are posting multiple times. I'm only entering them once!
lurth Creative
where is the attached file
lurth Creative
sorry i get