Banner Ad Design Contest

by RuthElaineDavid

Contest received 46 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by IMFantasia

Congratulations to winner IMFantasia ! They were awarded the contest prize of $100.00


RuthElaineDavid Contest Holder
I uploaded what the designer from Hatchwise gave me after the logo contest-I am not aware of techy end-I tried to upload a couple of the files sent to me, but they wouldn't "take"-not sure if any of these were vector or.psd as requested-if these don't work I'll try again on the 2 that wouldn't upload-thank you, Ruth
RuthElaineDavid Contest Holder
YouTube;Beethoven Baroque-Relaxation Music by TunedSongs;9:34;at 1:32-1:39 is tornado & Lightning/at 6:28-6:34 is lightning--at 2:36-2:41 is mountain & eagle for possible images:supposedly they are free an public access from ""-try the 6:28-6:34 on both sides of the banner behind the fencing w/the mtn scene in the middle-not to cramp your creativity-just some of my thoughts :) - so excited to see your talents in this process-thank you for engaging-I look forward to YOU coming forth on the banner....Ruth
RuthElaineDavid Contest Holder
Could we not put the ".com" on the name of the site....let's just see what ...... Escape Emotional Abuser Now.......thank you
RuthElaineDavid Contest Holder
The beautiful scenery--maybe a picture that'd come from Fiji Islands with that color blue of the water, green of the plush