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10 COVID-19 Facts And Tips That Creatives Need To Know

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we live, work, and play. For creatives, the changes we are adapting to go beyond the method of content delivery and interactions with co-workers and clients. Actual creative work has changed and continues to evolve as the state of the pandemic continually shifts.

Staying informed and being mindful of the world around us enables you to deliver meaningful messages that are impactful and well-received.

Let’s take a look at 10 COVID-19 facts that you, as a creative, need to know.

  • How It’s Spread. COVID-19 is spread through droplets, commonly expelled from sneezes and coughs. These droplets can be inhaled or fall onto surfaces that are later touched by others. When you touch any surface and then touch your nose, eyes, or mouth, you are potentially introducing bacteria into your system, thus spreading the virus.
  • Symptoms To Be Aware Of. COVID-19 symptoms mimic the flu in many ways. Shortness of breath, fever, coughing, and chest tightness are among the most common. 80% of patients have symptoms that are mild enough to manage at home with over-the-counter medications, much like the flu.

  • How To Protect Yourself. The best way to protect yourself is by frequent hand washing for at least 20 seconds at a time. You should also limit your time in public places including grocery stores, offices, and gas stations. Wear a face mask when out in public and avoid close contact with anyone outside of your household.

  • Testing And Detection. There is currently testing available to diagnose COVID-19. The testing requirements vary by state and the time it takes for results varies significantly.

  • How Workplace Precautions Work. In an attempt to promote social distancing, many offices have resorted to teleworking. This is likely the case if you are actively working as a creative. If you must return to the office, even for a brief amount of time, remember to practice good hand hygiene and avoid close contact with any co-workers. Offices can be breeding grounds for viruses. Bacteria can easily build up and spread on commonly shared items like staplers, copy machines, and doorknobs.

  • Fatality Rate. The fatality rate is estimated to be 3.4% though some experts believe the true rate to be less than 1%. Fatality is higher among older individuals and those with pre-existing conditions.

  • The Message Should Be Prioritized Over Creativity. Under normal circumstances, we often look for creative and catchy ways to get our message across. Now is not the time. People are living in new and unprecedented times where accurate information is the highest priority. Deliver information that is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

  • Being Thoughtful And Mindful Are More Important Than Ever. Be mindful that many people are having a tough time mentally. The health, social, and economic impacts of COVID-19 are compounding. Be sure that whatever message you are delivering is not in bad taste or offensive in any way. Spend ample time reviewing your work and assessing it from multiple points of view. The last thing you want to do is seem out of touch or insensitive to the situation at hand.

  • You Can Use Lockdown Fatigue To Your Advantage. People have been confined mostly indoors for the last two months. What started out as an adventure to find new hobbies and practice self-care has now become a chore. We are all starved for entertainment. Use this to your advantage. Captivate an audience in a way that they will want to come back for more.

  • There Will Likely Be Recurrence. Experts believe it is likely that the coronavirus will re-emerge in the fall or winter even if we get it under control right now. So far there has not been any solid information showing that the virus is killed by either heat or cold.

Stay Informed

It’s critical to stay informed for your own health and for your work to be effective. Remember to keep in mind that this is a stressful time with many complex variables affecting lives around the world. As a creative, you hold the power to deliver important information and promote positivity in a time when it’s needed the most.

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