Home / Blog Posts / Five Of The Most Iconic Logos of All Time
A brand logo is one of the essential parts, or, almost the most important of any business. It is a company’s visual identity that is simplified into a logo. The logo is what makes or breaks a company in the eyes of the consumer.
There have been some logos that show us what we don’t want our logos to look like and, others, that are the most iconic logos yet. In this blog post, that’s what we’ll discuss; five of the most iconic logos of all time.
The Five Most Iconic Logos of All Time
1. Nike. Although Nike was founded in 1964, it wasn’t until 1971 that the iconic logo we’ve grown to love came around. 1971 was when ‘Blue Ribbon Sports’ changed its name to Nike, expanding into producing their own footwear. This was also when they came out with their ‘swoosh’ logo, which implies speed and movement. Designer Carolyn Davidson was paid a total of $35 for her work on the logo that has become one of the best in history.
2. Google. This logo is the one that thousands and thousands of people open up their browsers every day to, and I think that alone speaks for how iconic it is. This is the centerpiece for a website that has countless users, and the bright, colorful logo reflects Google’s playful business vibe.
3. Microsoft. Another one with all the colors, Microsoft is one of the best logos yet. Each color symbolizes something different, making the logo something more than just fun and colorful, although it certainly is that too. Green represents the fun of Xbox, the yellow represents surface, the blue represents Windows and red is for office.
4. eBay. Before eBay was eBay, it was Auction Web. When, in September 199, Auction Web changed its name to eBay, it was only five years later, in 2012, that they came out with their new logo. Fun colors and zig-zag letters are all parts of this famous logo that has become one of the best in history.
5. FedEx. FedEx is, perhaps, one of the best examples of a competent, iconic logo that we’ve seen so far in this blog post. FedEx has taken subliminal advertising to a whole new level. If you look very closely at this iconic logo, right between the white space between the E and the X, you’ll see an arrow. It conveys speedy delivery and is part of what makes this logo one of the best yet.
Logos are the base of any good business. They speak for your business and, overall, are one of the deciding factors of whether or not a consumer will use your company.
It’s crucial that when creating your logo, you want to make it the best it can be. Above is a list of five of the most iconic logos of all time. These logos are great examples of what excellent logos look like and are the base for all good logos.