by Anna-Maya PowellContest received 52 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Links to the website
Yes. A link to and possibly some other links.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
We are a group of women and men who have chosen to live a healthy lifestyle using Essential Oils and natural products in our homes for our families and pets. The focus with this website is to share information on how the oils can help us to have peace in body, mind, and spirit. Nature has given us a wonderful gift & Essential Oils and we love to share about them. The website is to be designed both for prospects/clients who know nothing about Essential Oils and are interested... and for worldwide team members to find information. This is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business with Young Living independent distributors.
The design should have the following
Some thoughts we had (Please see attached PDF)
1. Website name ( in a deep blue with purple tones (indigo?)
2.Drop of "oil" in warm golden tones with light shine (or the illusion of light, or star????) incorporating one or a couple of leaves dropping into a water ripple base. Basically we are looking at a simple yet elegant design that incorporates the concept that oil -created from essential oils from plants- and incorporating ripple effect a drop has.
3. The following should be incorporated below the logo; "Making Life Meaningful through
Everyday solutions for busy families, financial and for wellness."
4. Please incorporate the following either at the bottom or the page... or we are open to your suggestions: "Changing the world ... one drop at a time, one family at a time."
5. We are open to suggestions...
Briefly describe your contest
Logo for website