Web Design Contest

The Aware Show

by Infoquick

Infoquick is looking for a new Web Design, and they're offering $500.00 for the best entry.


Infoquick Contest Holder
We're happy to announce that Dzigner11 won this design contest. A big thank you to everyone who submitted an entry (or ten!). We'll be back again when we need more artwork.
Lucille Creative
Aware Show - when are you expecting to announce a winner?
Snaucey Creative
I really enjoyed doing this and am an avid listener of the aware show. I also wasn't sure about the height size & kept it the same as the width. I did these very last minute (with my own paintings-so i have all rights)as i only learned about the contest in the last 12 hours. :). I hope you find what you need here. I'd love to change any of these to fit your needs and wasn't exactly sure if you were looking for a logo of each word or an image. ALl of the aware shows are very inspirational. I especially LOVED the Doreen Virtue, Micheal Tamura, and Ravj shows. ALL the Best, AL
jmhernandezc Creative
To all designers: I have enjoyed to the utmost this exercise of random creativeness. Thank you very much, to the Aware Show , to Miss Garr, to Hatchwise and to each of you, designers. It has been very inspirational and educative.
Imagica Creative
It was enjoyable and special submitting a couple of entries to The Aware Show. Lisa is the best interviewer by far and she has hosted a multitude of really inspirational speakers. Lately I've really enjoyed Lisa's interviews with Hale Dwoskin and Wayne Dyer. I have an art question though. The two logos I submitted are distorted. Is there a particular size to fit your artwork into? Thanks
korij1 Creative
Hey just so you know my entries are submitted with different concepts but if you need a specific one you like please tell me.
Lucille Creative
"Aware Show Listener" - Great work, guys xxx
Infoquick Contest Holder
string1, thanks for your feedback. we currently use the model you prefer for the bulk of our artwork. we have already spent thousands of dollars on artwork. this auction is an experiment to get something for our blog, that needs a bit of a facelift, without spending too much time or money. as a bonus we're hoping that this auction process will inject some fresh ideas into our design process. as double bonus it would be really great if this process results in some new relationships with artists for the upcoming work that we have.
Infoquick Contest Holder
attention all designers: i just published the rebranded version of the blog at http://theawareshow.com/Member/blog/. please color co-ordinate your sample submissions with the new branding.
stringy1 Creative
Someone forwarded this contest link to me. Good luck to all the people who will spend time creating layouts and never get chosen or paid for their time, while others get to see their hard work, take their ideas and run with them. Good luck to the owner of this contest who will likely get a ton of crappy submissions from people who are not professional designers. From looking at the few samples I see above, I can see that I am not wrong. Note: A computer & a copy of Photoshop does not a designer make. There is a lot of training and theory of design, color, proximity, and typography (to name a few) that go into ever professional designer's concepts. Ever hear of the term "spec work"? A real designer will not work on spec, nor will he have to. You can read about this at the AIGA website (American Institute of Graphic Arts). http://www.aiga.org/content.cfm/position-spec-work
100th-monkey Creative
Hi, I'm Nicky and I am 22 years old. My photo was taken in Newport Beach, California while I was drinking in the beauty of the ocean and trying to capture what I felt to be "the mysterious feminine of the universe." Every day I am falling deeper and deeper into the serenity of allowing and the total freeness of letting go. Lisa, I just heard your tele-seminar on The Conscious Activists with Doug and I felt a profound connection to you and your powerful words. I signed up immediately after and I'm so glad. It was last summer that my boyfriend, Nick, encouraged me to be open-minded and listen to "Wisdom of the Ages" by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and since that day my whole world has changed- for the better of course! Now after a lot of listening, reading and lessons and continual emptying, I am beginning to truly understand the power of meditation and how important it really is, not just for our own "selfs" but for the entire universe as well. Thank you so much Lisa, for your inspiration to this young, ignoramus that is not understood by many, if any in her own "tribe." The more I let go and align my soul with Source, the farther I drift from the program of my morning into the comfort of evening. :) If you have any reading material or opportunities that will help me along this journey or even words of wisdom for a jump start, please let me know! Thanks again. Namaste!
Infoquick Contest Holder
rudyy & AgencyBrat, i don't know how to extend the auction. i did send a message to hatchwise support asking them how to do this but have not yet heard back from them. the response from the hatchwise promotion (we bought all the premium promotion options they offered) was very dissapointing so last night we sent a message to our own mailing list.
AgencyBrat Creative
Hello! So excited to receive an email about this. Unfortunately, there is only one (busy Holiday) day left. Hope you will extend the contest. Thank you!
rudyy Creative
Can you extend the contest, since you responded to late for me to start working on your project?
gautam Creative
Hello Sir, I'm in and i submit my design in few hours.
Infoquick Contest Holder
hi robin. submitting just a sample is a good idea.
Infoquick Contest Holder
hi rudy. either photos or vector images are acceptable. if you're giving us web 2.0 cartoon style images then vector images are preferred.
robin Creative
How about if the designer submits a sample of the style of icon so they can get feedback before they do a lot of work?
rudyy Creative
you want photos or vector images or what?