A business philosophy can be life-changing for a company. When you’re first creating your business philosophy, you want to ensure it’s one that not only fits your company but encourages and inspires customers and employees. A business philosophy is basically the intentions of your company put into words.
In addition to your intentions and employee guidance, a business philosophy is key in helping customers and shareholders understand your company’s values. As a business entity in today’s world, you have the chance to stand for something that you believe in and spread a company-wide message of your choosing to direct employee morale and alert customers and board directors alike.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at what some of the greatest companies have included in their business philosophy. These are examples that show us the true heart of these companies and their intentions and goals. When creating your business philosophy, you can learn what to include from these inspiring examples.
What Is A Business Philosophy?
For starters, we’ll cover exactly what a business philosophy is for those of our readers who don’t know yet. When you envision your business philosophy you can think of it as your company mission statement or your company vision. It’s similar to a blueprint for your company that shows you its operation, your company values and helps give the company an overall more personal touch.
Why does this matter? It helps to ensure that company leaders and employees are all on the same page when it comes to core values and the main goal. You want the whole team to know what you’re thinking when it comes to your company and to know how their part contributes when it comes to the big picture. This is how you can create a healthy, effective, and motivating company culture.
Business Philosophy Examples
With so many great companies in our world, we’ve got the chance to see some of the best brand philosophies that exist. These are companies that have put time and thought into creating a brand philosophy that easily tells their employees what their company is about. For many of these brand philosophies, you would be able to easily tell which company they belong to based solely on the brand philosophy. Let’s take a look at some of the top business philosophy examples.
Google’s brand philosophy is an excellent example of a simple and clear brand philosophy. Although many of us don’t need a lesson on what Google does, their brand philosophy could easily tell someone who had never heard of the company what they do. With a few powerful sentences, Google explains their purpose and their mission.
Although at times it’s necessary to create longer brand philosophies, depending on the company you may need one as short, simple, and powerful as Google’s. Google’s philosophy is a great example of a company that shows you don’t need much to create a powerful message.
Google’s philosophy is so effective because they practice and invest in what they preach. As company driven by data and analytics, Google knows the importance of information and strives to preach its importance to anyone willing to listen.
Their philosophy also lets us know that Google is an ambitious and cutting-edge company, capable of making great strides in the realm of technological innovation and highly knowledgeable about the industry they work in.
As such, current and prospective employees are guided by this simple philosophy and encouraged to further innovate during their time with the company. Indeed, even a simple brand philosophy speaks volumes about its company and core principles.
Nike does one of the best jobs that we’ve seen when it comes to conveying a message that all are accepted and that, if you have a body, you’re an athlete. Nike created a brand philosophy that tells people their company is open to everyone and that all are welcome.
They continue this message by conveying it through their product, their website, and practical designs that work for all. They’ve included plus-size mannequins and have implemented ways into their company culture that encourages their core value that their company is open to all.
This philosophy was first defined with the help of the company’s co-founder, Bill Bowerman. By adding the asterisk to ‘Athlete’, Bowerman opened up the idea that all who have a body are an athlete. By doing this, Bowerman opened Nike to a chunk of the population that may have been excluded otherwise.
Every design and marketing element around Nike exists to forward this message and empower everyone to be bold and original in their lives. Nike has been one of the cutting-edge companies in apparel, in terms of both design and execution, and it’s important that their customers know their commitment to quality and innovation.
Nike currently has dealt with a multitude of major sporting leagues, including the NBA and NFL, but their philosophy goes beyond the economics of their business. Through this philosophy, Nike alerts the world to their care for the individual and the accomplishments possible when people put their nose to the grindstone and work tirelessly to finish a goal.
Starbuck’s has a business philosophy that focuses on community and building a relationship with customers. It’s no wonder that Starbucks is so popular with the amount of effort they put into creating an atmosphere where they encourage that all are welcome and all can enjoy their products.
In their brand philosophy, they stress the importance of inspiring and including all humans, through one cup and neighborhood at a time. Starbucks wants each of its stores to stand out and build a relationship with those in each specific community and want to build close ties with all who enter their store.
In addition to the highly communal and individualistic feel of their philosophy, Starbucks makes clear that in order to build a strong and supportive community, each member of the community must be nurtured and inspired. This is a message of hope and optimism; Starbucks, through their products and service, aims to fuel the creativity and inspiration of a generation, contributing to a sense of wonder and self-worth present in many young people today.
Once the empowerment of the individual is fulfilled and cared, for the empowerment of the community follows. This chain reaction of optimism is at the heart of everything Starbucks does as a company. This is a great philosophy that has helped to make Starbucks one of the premier coffee companies today.
Dove’s brand philosophy focuses on an all-inclusive take to its beauty products. While other companies use models to display their brands, Dove asks everyday women that use their products to model their products. The company works hard to break stereotypes in the beauty industry and its message attempts to convey ‘real beauty’.
Their brand philosophy makes customers feel confident and bold while using their products and encourages a sense of calm. Dove is a great example of a company that has used its brand philosophy to show customers the power that their company can have in the beauty industry.
Dove has done their fair share in making sure young people today don’t feel and think negatively about themselves purely based on how they look. They’ve launched multiple campaigns over a multi-year span designed to combat feelings of body dysmorphia in younger generations and empower those who aren’t traditionally beautiful.
As a result, their brand is known for its natural properties, which coincide nicely with the image of natural beauty and positivity they’ve been putting out into the world for the last decade. This is all by design and has been working wonderfully in their favor, as many women of all ages and sizes today think of Dove as a company that believes in them and is waiting for them to succeed.