Logo Design Contest


by kvwhite15

Contest received 64 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by pepep

Congratulations to winner pepep ! They were awarded the contest prize of $50.00


kvwhite15 Contest Holder
I'd like to see 'ShootAround' be one word instead of two.
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
For the Black and Red color scheme...I think I like a Black background with the lettering in White/Red. For the Royal Blue and White color scheme...I think I like a Black background with the lettering in Royal Blue and White.
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
I would like to see the basketball incorporated somehow into the logo.
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
Can we see some designs with a basketball hoop and the basketball?
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
I also like the Jimmy John’s logo idea.
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
I could also go for the words ShootAround sitting on top of a white or black rectangle with the words ‘Shoot’ in Royal blue and ‘Around’ in black or White. Lastly a small basketball can be leaning up against the ‘S’ on Shoot.
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
I think I also like: SHOOTAROUND with the basketball wedged into the D. Then having tiger or bear claws scratches across all of the letters starting with the S in ShootAround. Can anyone pull that off?
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
Kind like this: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdcassetcdn.com%2Fdesign_img%2F3593878%2F67595%2F67595_19728670_3593878_8070629e_image.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.designcrowd.com%2Fdesign%2F19728670&tbnid=t5OAuVEg6syNxM&vet=12ahUKEwiCmrWN2crzAhURUFMKHWaUCVgQMygHegUIARDQAQ..i&docid=ceyGDLdzsc_wXM&w=1499&h=1499&q=drive%20athletic%20performance%20photos&client=safari&ved=2ahUKEwiCmrWN2crzAhURUFMKHWaUCVgQMygHegUIARDQAQ
kvwhite15 Contest Holder
Can we play around with some of these fonts? https://www.bypeople.com/creative-font-styles I liked the following fonts: Blade Design Gym Hook Speed Turbo