Logo Design Contest

Kid Compassion, Inc. / www.kidcompassion.com

by roterjo

Contest received 283 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by 54no

Congratulations to winner 54no ! They were awarded the contest prize of $250.00


Riotto Creative
why all designs was eliminated?
john12343 Creative
@miamar: Pretty obvious: They re-started the contest because they hadn't gotten something they were happy with. My opinion only: I think they didn't start out the contest with a very clear vision of what they wanted, so no one could give it to them. They even handed out their highest rating so far to one of those tired old dancing-in-a-circle-ubuntu-swoosh-people logos (http://www.thelogofactory.com/logo-design-tips/logos-to-avoid/) so hopefully they've done some research and deep thinking and now have a more clear idea of what they are going to ask the designers to give them. It's a very nice idea for a nonprofit, so I hope they end up with something good (http://justcreative.com/2009/07/27/what-makes-a-good-logo/).