Logo Design Contest


by mango31

Contest received 56 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by candidclassics

Congratulations to winner candidclassics ! They were awarded the contest prize of $125.00


Sharz Creative
We should ask "Do you have permission to use this photo of the cow from the copyright holder?"
mango31 Contest Holder
One more revision that I need to bring to your attention. The domain is "shamoozle", not "shamoozal". My error. Please forgive ;-)
mango31 Contest Holder
Hi Everyone. Here is a link to the photo to be used for the logo: http://www.thebulldogsource.com/cowphoto.htm I look forward to the submission.
mango31 Contest Holder
Hi Everyone on HatchWise. Thanks for your interest in this project. I wasn't able to get all of the description in the fields. Here are some points that might need some clarification. First of all, I will be supplying the photo to be used later this evening so you won't have to find a photo to be used for this project. Secondly, regarding the tag in the cow's ear. I would like for it to say ".com" so that the other text used in the logo would be positioned above and near the ear of the cow so when read together it would read "shamoozle.com" Please contact me if there are any other points that are not clear. Thanks, Sam