Logo Design Contest


by mango31

Contest received 56 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by candidclassics

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline


Describe your company and organization and target audience

The word \"shamoozal\" would be segmented into \"Sha\" \"moo\" & \"zal\" that will be positioned above the cow photo. The \"sha\" portion will be very loud and festive. The \"moo\" will be in a very understated text box and the type face & font wi

The design should have the following

I have a very specific vision for this logo. I would like a photo of a cow taken with a fish-eye lens so that it gives the appearance that the cow is almost coming out of the monitor, and above it will be the word \"shamoozal\" segmented into thir

This design should not have this in the entries

broad demographic, consisting mostly of homeowners.

Colors to use in the design

I will be happy to assist in finding stock photos for the fish-eye cow photo. It would be an added bonus if the cow photo happened to have the cow sticking its tongue out.

Briefly describe your contest

Feel free to contact me via phn or email