Relationship Remodel
by RedAmazon108Contest received 205 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Relationship Remodel
Slogan or Tagline
Blueprints for lasting love.
Describe your company and organization and target audience
I am a love, relationship, marriage and dating coach with a private practice. I counsel individuals, couples and groups. Target audience: individuals and couples ages 25-75. 80% of my clients are divorced, 40-60 years old. Client Types: 1. Couples with marital problems wanting to save their marriage. 2. Couples with communication problems. 3. Singles wishing to learn dating skills. 4. Singles who want to build confidence and self-esteem.
The design should have the following
A heart broken in 2 pieces that has been mended and is now whole. Possibly a blueprint-like feel
This logo will be used for
- Online (Website, facebook etc.)
- Print (business cards, letterheads, brochures etc.)
- Merchandise (mugs, t-shirts etc.)
- Signs (including shops, billboards etc.)
This design should not have this in the entries
I'm open
Colors to use in the design
reds, pinks, purples, black
Briefly describe your contest
Relationship counselor asks how do you mend a broken heart?