Logo Design Contest


by jamesmphillips

Contest received 195 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by zernoid

Congratulations to winner zernoid ! They were awarded the contest prize of $600.00


jamesmphillips Contest Holder
Please contact if you have questions - this is a little different in that there are 2 related images needed - one for .org, one for .com. One is for open source, one is for commercial version of our database software. Happy to take calls or emails with questions.
jamesmphillips Contest Holder
Please also note that you do NOT have to use the dog image in any way in the logo. The dog is the project mascot. Somehow pulling out a design element from the dog or making reference to that image would be good, but not required.
quiksilva Creative
Can you provide any background information behind the dog or the shape of the existing logo? Maybe thoughts behind it? This would help in designing something that would have meaning. Thanks!
jamesmphillips Contest Holder
Membase is a horizontally scalable database system, which means you simply add more servers to a membase cluster in order to increase aggregate cluster data capacity(versus incresing the size and power of a single server already running a databse). This is what is meant by "elastic." The little dog mascot thing was meant to represent a single server in a membase cluster...you can connect them with their magnetic feet, into a much larger "pack" or cluster of servers. Each server in a membase cluster is a clone of all others too (but holding different parts of the database). That's about it on the dog mascot. Again, feel free to ignore the dog in trying to get to the logo for membase.org and membase.com.
jamesmphillips Contest Holder
In the end we want to end up with 3 assets all sort of tied together: 1. the mascot dog (the mascot dog will remain as is, or close to as is, as seen on membase.org) 2. the membase.org logo (we want to stop using the dog in the logo itself - it is too detailed and not very "logo" like) 3. the membase.com logo (which will replace our existing northscale.com logo) The idea is that the dog survives, and the the membase.org/.com logos look related to each other, and perhaps draw some design element from the dog.