- Premade Logos
- Logo + Domain Ready to go brands
- Design & Naming Contests
- ENTRY # 566526

All purchased designs come with:
Full ownership rights to the completed design
Free minor alterations to the name/colors of the design to match your company
Editable source files in Adobe illustrator format
Print and web ready files(.JPG, .PNG, .PDF, .TIFF, .SVG)
Includes Hatchwise Buyer Protection
Comments for entry # 566526

So far the "Text" that the clients and I like the most is in Entry #566443 by: LeAnn - The font and text there is VERY crisp. I'd just like to see something that conveys what we do, which is "Virtual Tours for Real Estate, Homes, Property, etc..." ---- So I'd love to see a nice house with some kind of "camera, or camcorder, or something that conveys, "video and homes" together... The text your using is very nice, but I'd like it to be a bit more "3D" in a way, really jump out at ya... That's what were lookin for.. "house" Checkout the links below for some idea's.. I think some kind of "Camcorder" or "something with a House/Camcorder together" would be really cool. http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=257768&entryid=340250 or http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=257768&entryid=341061 - I love the houses above the logo, and I also love the "TEXT" Garry Lewis is two blended colors and coming out at ya... Love that look. www.tourfactory.com (a main competitor of ours...) See how they have a house sitting on the wrench wheel? (It's conveying there name to the public, perfectly.) I'd love our logo to BLOW that away obviously. http://www.hatchwise.com/entry_detail.php?contestid=257768&entryid=341223 - Very cool "glossy" effect... which is exactly what were looking for... like LeAnn in #566443 (but the head set image is not right for "Virtual Tours.." obviously...
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About the Creative
muzzha Bio
My name is Oliver, I've graduated on Faculty of Graphic Art. Contact: oliver.muzha@gmail.com
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