Logo Design Contest


by MasterJere

Contest received 165 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by greycrow

Company or website name


Slogan or Tagline

Were open to any idea\'s on a slogan, sure.... But we don\'t have one in mind yet.

Describe your company and organization and target audience

I\'d like to at least somehow incorporate the \"Virtual Tour\" concept into the logo obviously. I want them to know exactly what we do (or at least have a good idea) when they see the logo. Professionalism is KEY! Clean and Crisp! (2 or 3 colors max.

The design should have the following

Were open to anything, just please make sure you keep it VERY Professional. We want something with only a few colors (not too crazy) and something very crisp and clean. We really like www.thenerdblurb.com - there logo is pretty nifty - something 3d.

This design should not have this in the entries

Any Real Estate Brokers/Agents that want to get there property marketed to the public in a more \"appealing, and attractive/interactive\" way.

Colors to use in the design

No, but we would like to reference the sites listed above... Check out our competitors Obeo.com - This page is cool too... http://landing.realtourvision.com/index2.html?gclid=CIbC6773mLECFQmd7Qod-lXSzw (that specific page - there \".com\" is aweful

Briefly describe your contest

A \"VirtualTour\" Company - Ne