Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus
by Leonard Del SolContest received 38 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.
Company or website name
Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus
Slogan or Tagline
70 or 70th or 70th Anniversary
Describe your company and organization and target audience
The Name of the Chorus should stand out... Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus The years are 1939 - 2009 if you wish to use them. Using the years is not necessary
The design should have the following
The layout is up to the designer's discretion with these tips: The Chorus does not use punctuation in its name...no comma or apostrophe. Possibly a unique text logo with the 70 used for an icon. Again...designer's discretion.
This design should not have this in the entries
The main target audience is music lovers -- symphony goers, family, and those who appreciate "the arts". The Chorus is classy and professional with a world famous sound. The Touring Chorus does a western set in its show complete with trick rodeo ropi
Colors to use in the design
Check out the traditional logo that the Chorus still uses on the sweatshirt page of the website at: http://www.boyschorus.org/store_shirt.php Three circle faces. The center faces has a cowboy hat. You do not have to use this logo. You can visit the website at www.boyschorus.org
Briefly describe your contest
70th Anniversary Logo