Logo Design Contest


by rlanders

Contest received 133 entries and the contest holder has awarded a winner.

Winning entry by Carnie

Congratulations to winner Carnie ! They were awarded the contest prize of $150.00


rlanders Contest Holder
This was a creative idea, but let's get away from the test tube look... it's only a lab in that we do experiments. But those experiments are on people - have people come in, sit down, do a web-based training exercise on a laptop, and leave. No chemicals, no test tubes.
rlanders Contest Holder
A non-white background is fine if that makes it look better for the webpage, but I'd need it with a white-background version too for the signs.
rlanders Contest Holder
Since a few people have missed it - there are two bits of text that may apply (stop using "what style would you like"!) First, TNT stands for "Technology iN Training" Second, the motto is "where technology ignites learning"
rlanders Contest Holder
Current front-runners, in no particular order: Entry #54544 - I like that this conveys an image of expertise, science, professionalism - I don't like as much that it uses the test tube and the hand looks a little weird. Entry #54632 - I like that this is a sleek, well-drawn icon and is a very well thought out symbol - technology (the wires) is driving (powering) the learning (the lightbulb). It's a very slick metaphor and represents what we do very well. The gears make it look a little bit like a red skull though - although that's about all I don't like about it. Entry #54885 - This is slick, professional, with clean lines - but I don't like the radio waves, since they don't have much to do with our mission. Hope this helps!
rlanders Contest Holder
Overall, these are definitely themes for what I'm preferring: 1) Clean lines 2) Clever symbols/metaphors with a clear message Things I don't like: 1) Test tubes 2) Images that convey someone trying to blow something up - an image of dynamite is fine, but not being carried/held by a person Another list of current front-runners, in no particular order: Entry #55819: Clean lines, clear message (scientists working on technology), and frankly it's just adorable - although I'd like to see more reference to learning/training Entry #55295: Excellent image of a professional scientist providing learning (the lightbulb) - conveys power and expertise, which are both excellent themes. Entry #55205/55206: Still a sleek, well-thought-out icon - technology (the wires) drives (powers) the lightbulb (learning). The filament may be a little too literal though - then you think more of a lightbulb itself rather than the metaphor it is connected to.